Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Funerals with Salvia extracts

We came here for a funeral, one member of my family was victim of drug cartels, for respect to him I won't get into details, what I can say is that this was a terrible time for me and my relatives.

He had a wife and 5 kids, fearing that the asassins could come against another of us.

Sometimes we think about drugs as the poison of some addicts, or the revenues of some cartels, nevertheless, if we see it like a person's life ending, this turns into another level of understanding.

You could say that he was in to wrong place at the wrong time, or even that he could be related to those kind of people, but that won't take away my relative's sorrow.

Anyway, my opinion about the regulations most of the countries have taken on drugs is not the right one, I can't tell you the correct way for this, but I can assure you that the way has been handled so far is not right.

Same thing seems to be happening with Salvia, because almost all the countries and it's states are discarding it as "drug" with deceiving intentions
. Knowing that the historic use for this hallucinogen is and has been, for health purposes.

Don't worry if you didn't know about this, you can search on google about it. Those who should be ashamed are the lawmakers, passing them without it's proper research.

Have a nice day.